Are you looking for that perfect valentine gift? A gift that will show how much you appreciate and love each other? A gift that speaks from deep within your heart?
This new idea is beautiful for couples to share with one another. However it is also a meaningful gift for anyone in your life that you love. Maybe your child, aging parent or dear friend...
This valentine's day I am setting my intention to receive and give gifts of love and light.
Chickadee Ceremonies offer this creative, interactive and touching gift idea:
A Blessing Massage!
It is simple to do, all you need are a few drops of essential oil. Any oil will do. What scent is special to you? Maybe lavender, rose, or ???
Start by blessing your loved one in the following way:
1. Mind-put a little oil on their forehead as you bless their mind and thoughts. Say out loud all the ways that this person has blessed you with their thoughts.(ex. how they use their mind to do taxes every year, how they think of new ways to say they care, how they write meaningful words in cards, how they remember special dates) Take as long as you like to give specific examples of how they bless you or others by using their amazing mind. Next, ask for a blessing on their mind and thoughts today and everyday.
2.Heart-put oil on their heart center as you bless their heart and emotions. Share all the ways that they bless you with their heart. (ex. how they bless you by helping care for your mother, how they express their emotions so honestly) Then ask for a blessing on their hearts and emotions.
3. Body-put some oil on the tip of their head and the tip of their toes as you bless their whole body saying how their body has blessed you and the world. (ex, helping in the garden, exercising together, cuddling) Then ask for continued blessings on their body.
4. Spirit-put some oil on your fingertip and blow it into the air as you bless their spirit saying that their spirit is within them and all around them. Speak of how their unique spirit is a blessing in your life. Then end by asking for blessings on their spirit, the part of them that is eternal and forever.
When you finish take time to pause so that your loved one has time to reflect and soak in all the blessings. It feels so good and relaxing, almost like getting a massage, hence the name: A Blessing Massage! Have fun!
And maybe, just maybe, you will be given a blessing massage in return!
Celebrate your love by giving the gift of your time, given through your mind, heart, body and spirit.
Enjoy! Have a valentine's day filled with joy, honesty, fun and a sense of adventure!